Manyatta Original Cider 300ml
KShs 350
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Manyatta Original Cider is a premium, refreshing alcoholic beverage crafted in Kenya. Made from the finest apples, it offers a crisp, clean taste with a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. Its sparkling nature and golden hue make it an ideal choice for those seeking a sophisticated yet refreshing drink. Enjoy chilled for the best experience.
The Cider is a testament to the rich heritage of cider-making in Kenya. This 300ml delight is not just a drink; it’s a celebration of craftsmanship and the bounty of nature. Crafted with precision and care, it embodies the spirit of innovation while staying true to traditional cider-making techniques.
Manyatta Original Cider is versatile, making it the perfect companion for a wide range of occasions. Whether you’re celebrating a special moment, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or looking for the perfect drink to accompany your meal, Manyatta Original Cider adds a touch of elegance and refreshment to any setting.
Manyatta Original Cider Tasting Notes
Upon pouring, it reveals a beautiful golden hue, accompanied by a lively effervescence that promises refreshment. The nose is greeted with subtle aromas of fresh apples, with hints of floral and citrus notes, making it an olfactory delight. On the palate, it strikes a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, with a clean, crisp finish that leaves you wanting more.
At the heart of Manyatta Original Cider is the selection of the finest apples, sourced from the lush orchards of Kenya. These apples are carefully fermented to create a cider that is both rich in flavor and character. The result is a sparkling beverage that captures the essence of its ingredients, offering a crisp and refreshing taste that is both complex and inviting.